Leslie Kimmelman
The Eight Knights of Hanukkah

A Sydney Taylor Notable Book
illustrated by
Galia Bernstein
published by
Holiday House
"After a dragon causes damage that puts a crimp in preparations for a kingdom-wide Hanukkah party, Lady Sadie charges her ethnically-diverse children, the Eight Knights of Hanukkah, with engaging in "deeds of awesome kindness and stupendous bravery" to undo it... Kimmelman and Bernstein's gentle spoof employs just enough amusing medieval jokes to make the core idea fun to grasp: it takes good deeds of all shapes and sizes to make the world go 'round." — Publishers Weekly
"Kimmelman's slyly humorous text ("Worryeth not," said Sir Lily) is complemented by Bernstein's art, which features minimalist backgrounds, medieval illuminated letters, and expressive facial features." — Booklist
"There is no shortage of illustrated children's books for Hanukkah. Every now and then one rises above the crowd because of its creative approach, distinctive humor, or all-around charm. Such a book is The Eight Knights of Hanukkah - with its quirky and loveable male and female multicultural knights, their lady mother, and — of course — a dastardly dragon determined to derail the holiday celebration." — Jewish Book Council